Monday, May 20, 2013

Privilege of Women in Islam

Women are creatures of Allah SWT the glorified position. In view of Islam, women could not be treated carelessly. In the present, women who have exalted degree also been missteps. Many young people have forgotten how Allah almighty glorify women. The following are 40 Privilege of Women in Islam :

1. Solehah woman (well) was better than 70 men were pious.

2. Whoever is encouraging her daughter, degree is like one who was always crying because fear of Allah and those who fear Allah SWT would be anathema to the top of her hellfire.

3. He who brings gifts (food items from the market to the home) and given to the family, then the reward is like charity.

4. Let the priority to girls than boys. If anyone is pleasing to girls as if he freed son Prophet Ismail AS

5. Women who live with their children will live with me (the Prophet Muhammad) in the heaven.

6. Whoever has three daughters or three sisters or two daughters or two sisters, and then he acted charity in association with them and educate them with a sense of piety and responsible, it was heaven for him.

7. Instead Aisha r.a. "Whoever is tested with something rather than daughters, then he's doing good to them, then they will be a hindrance to him than the fires of hell.

8. Heaven is under mother's feet.

9. If you will call your father, two mothers, the mother must answer the call.

10. Women are obedient submissive to her husband would shut the doors of hell and open the doors of heaven. Come in from everywhere door he pleased with not judged.

11. Women who would obey her husband, all the fish in the sea, birds in the air, the angel in the sky, the sun and the moon, all forgiveness for him during which he obeyed her husband and keep praying and fasting.

12. Aisha r.a. said: "I asked the Messenger of Allah, who is greater rights for women? answered the king," her husband. "" Who the hell has the right to the man? " asked Aisha returned, the Prophet replied" mother. "

13. When women pray five times, the fasting month of Ramadan, will maintain his honor and obey her husband, she go from door where heaven sake only that he wanted.

14. Each woman who helped her husband in matters of religion, then Allah put him in heaven earlier than her husband (10000 years).

15. If someone pregnant women fetus in her womb, it was the angels for her forgiveness. God S.W.T. recorded for him every day by 1000 from her virtue and eliminate crime in 1000.

16. If someone wanted to birthing women began to ache, then Allah SWT reward him listed those who strive in the way of Allah SWT

17. If someone women to bear children, she quit rather than sins as his mother gave birth to her circumstances.

18. When was born (child) and then fed, then the mother's milk every one gulp rather than a virtue given.

19. If overnight (mother) does not sleep and maintain their sick children, then Allah Almighty give him the reward as freeing 70 slaves willingly to defend the religion of Allah

20. A woman solehah is better than 70 saints.

21. A woman whose evil is worse than evil men in 1000.

22. Rakat prayer of a woman who is pregnant is better than 80 cycles prayers non-pregnant women.

23. Women who give drink breast milk (ASI) to his son rather than his (her own milk) will be a reward of at each point of the milk they provide.

24. Women who bring out the good husbands who come home tired in the state will receive the reward of jihad.

25. The woman who saw her husband with love and a husband who saw his wife with God's love will be seen with full grace.

26. The woman who led her husband out and fight to the path of Allah and then keep the adab of the household will enter heaven 500 years earlier than her husband, will be chairman of 70000 angels and fairies and she shall be bathed in heaven, and waited for her husband with horseback riding are made than ruby.

27. Women who do not get enough sleep at night kerana keep sick children will be forgiven by God will be all his sins and he comforted her when God gives the reward of 12 years of worship.

28. Woman milking animals with "bismillah" will be prayed for by the animal with a prayer blessing.

29. Women who knead wheat flour with "bismillah", God will berkatkan sustenance.

30. Woman sweeping the floor with remembrance will be rewarded as meyapu floor in the House.

31. Pregnant women who will be the reward of fasting during daylight hours.

32. Pregnant women who will be the reward of worship at night.

33. Maternity women who will receive the reward of 70 years of prayer and fasting and every pain in the sinews God gives the reward of Hajj.

34. Had she died in a period of 40 days after the delivery, she'll be seen as a martyr.

35. If a woman without a husband serving perfidy will be rewarded 12 years praying.

36. If women breastfeed their children until enough entire period (2 ½ years), then the angels in heaven will proclaim him the news that heaven required. If a woman gives her milk to her child crying, Allah will reward one year in prayer and fasting.

37. If women massaged husband without prompting to be rewarded 7 tola gold and if she  massaged husband when told to be rewarded 7 silver.

38. Woman who died with her ​​husband's pleasure will enter heaven.

39. If the husband taught his wife the problem will get a reward of 80 years of worship.

40. All the people will be called to see the face of God in the hereafter, but God himself will come to overwhelm her nakedness namely women wearing purdah in this world with constancy.

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