Tuesday, May 28, 2013

LOVE IN MONOCHROME "Black and White Love"

Age of love the rest of the world.
Even longer than that.
       Do not believe? Reality, none of the great phenomenon in this world that does not start with love. As the first man Adam was sent to earth begins with the story of his love for Hawa. Humans are born, grow, mature, and elderly, there love her coloring.
      So, what exactly love is? Love is something very abstract. In fact, until now, although it has many experts give the translation of what love, yet there is nothing that can properly give a definition of love.
       However, despite that, there is a common thread and a common perception of the various points that opinion that love is an instinctive impulse, a kind of full-given instinct in humans from birth.

Love and Encouragement Fitrah

       Dr. Samara Abduh, an psychologist administrators rubric teen story in IslamOnline website, said: "Love is like a plant that loves the sun and fresh air. He will die when away from its owner and not known at all. "
      Dr. Sahar Thola'at argues, "The feeling of attraction (love) is a character that is emerging from the psychological and biological human revolution at certain ages. These feelings are masya'ir (sourced from nature), not will of god (the will) so it does not fall into the category taklif (shar'i load) and Shari'a law. "
     Furthermore, Dr. Sahar Thola'at be emphasized that although the will of god and not exposed to load Sharai, but the execution will be affected by the load Sharai charity. That is, the way it reflects the love that will judged by Shari'a law; halal, haraam, mubaah, sunna, etc..

Love language

     Gary Ghapman and Ross Campbell, M.D. said there are five love languages​​, namely: service, gifts, quality time, physical touch and words of confirmation.
      In everyday behavior, the five languages ​​used simultaneously by many people. However, there is always one or two dominant languages ​​or tend to be used by each person. The tendency of affecting the behavior and character of the person. Also the way a person responds to something, depending on the language of love he had.
       To be able to detect a tendency language of love that you have, look at the time you feel bored, what do you expect to heal these feelings?
You tend to speak "service" if it has urged someone to come help work.
You speak "gift" if has urged the sudden you get a high-priced gifts, whether from anyone.
You speak "quality time" when expecting your parents make time to chat.
You speak "physical touch" if expecting a friend to come, hugging and patting shoulders.
You speak "a sentence which states" when a good friend came forward and said that he was sympathetic and empathetic towards your boredom.

Love Monopolize Young Age?
      Is yes, what is delivered by Garry and Ross Campbell it is the language of love in general. We know that when we speak of love, a very broad definition.
      Love can mean the relationship between mother and child, between a husband to his wife, between a friend to another friend, it could be between a person and his property.
       In a general perspective, we often unilaterally limit the monopoly of the definition of love as a teenager. Anyway, do not level if the parents speak of love. But, what exactly is it?
      In fact, the phenomenon of love is most common in adolescence. At that age, everyone experienced a revolutionary development in line with the growing interest in the opposite sex (starting with the maturation process of reproduction).
      Well, that's when most teenagers-shock shocked by the change in him, a change in his feelings, so it directly affects the process of psychological maturity.
        Revolutionary changes in the adolescent self, with the intervention of demons, will turn into an ugly desire, as the devil has derailed Adam tasted the fruit of Eternity. We can see today how much the phenomenon of adolescent slipping on the actualization of love are mistaken.
         Among these are cultural Valentine's Day.

Love and Valentine's Day (VD)

        Is it Valentine's Day? We do not want to follow people, without knowing what the underlying ideology.
      History of the "dark" Valentine's Day began when Christian priests to marry a pair Santo Valentino youth. In fact, the current ruler, namely Emperior Gothius Claudius II, forbade bachelors to marry, because they thought that was single soldier will be able to perform optimally.
       Well, the Saint's actions against the law of course. The result, Santo Valentino punished cut. Execution was carried out on February 14, which is then set as Valentine's Day.
      At the time of Emperor Constantin (280-337 M), Valentine's Day ceremonies over the threshold of moral civilization that ever present on earth. How could I not? Dance and send messages of love that ends with adultery. Disgusting!
      It was only in the year 494 M, the church council led by Pope Galasium I change the ceremony with porofikasi (cleansing of sin) adapts to the Christian faith. And, since the year 496 M, resmilah February 14 is celebrated as Valentine's Day.

Teaches Islam

      Looking at the dark history of VD, how we find Muslim youth today are experiencing an identity crisis. They tried to identify themselves with the cultures taken from the realm of the obscure. In fact, Islam is so great to teach how to properly manage love.
       Love is a pure feeling. He is the heart movement. How to express that are Shari'a and Islam gives clear signs that, at the point where love becomes halal or haraam. Tata socially exemplified by the Prophet is essentially a socially divine design, belongs to the "sky", artificial agents who know about love. Artificial substance that creates love.
         He is ..... Allah, the Almighty love!

        Well, you guys are still willing is celebrating Valentine's Day is not clear that the concept and the plot?

Source: From various sources

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