Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Hi Guys, how your perception of best friends? Best friends are:
• The place I went when I was scolded badmood because people at home. Because if you like it then go to her house, I think I became independent again. Different if the parents had gone to a relative's house, instead of being defended, even returned as a prisoner. Hiks!
• The place I cry when I was heartbroken. Because, if such it is usually just vent to best friends. Can not get to the parents. If confidante to the parents, instead of listening to them instead said "small still not going out first." Nothing to do, right?
• Places to eat in the cafeteria I ride when not having money, borrow money if you want to buy a pen or other writing instrument. Something like that. Best friends to me no less with ATM. In the flick, added with a little smile, a look of pleading, get out the money. Only, when returning often forget that sometimes.
• Anyway sweet-sour-salty taste. Sweetness when I was sad and he made ​​my situation better. Acid when she was badmood, we turn that into place to devote all his heart that functions similar to the trash. Salty if .... equally do not have the money. Huhu:(

      Best friends is an important factor in our lives. Where might we be able to live without best friends? Remember Tom Hanks in the movie Cast Away, right? Stranded on the island and lived alone for many years. How miserable.
Many of us who claim to be very difficult to find best friends. Why? In fact, there are best friends throughout our lives. He can be found in every place. Provided we know how to get best friends. And, there is no better way to get best friends except with a best friends.

Friends with Parents

     Friend is the one who is willing to listen to our complaints, willing reminded when we forget, bolster our arms when we lay exhausted by the weight of life's journey. Best friends is that lit the fire within us while he was almost extinguished. Who poured the water when dry thirst. He never tired of being the torch in the dark quiet surrounding.
       So, is there anything better able to become all that besides our own parents? He is a person who is apt to be a best friends. Because of his love for us endless flow. You drink it and drink it again, but you will still find clear it was never diminished. Love and willingness to sacrifice his impeccable remain intact.

Parents also Human

       Do you include people who are difficult to make friends with the parents? Many of us who can not communicate well to parents. If we often hear comments about the parents, more or less:
• It sucks! It is forbidden, it is forbidden, was I worried balloon that will explode if it touches the other stuff?
• They really love me! But the anger! Can not stand. If we are angry, people of the village would not be able to resist.
Do you ever get bored with the attitude that you think your parents are too protective, too set this up and it, too worried, and so on?

   In the study of the science of socio-linguists, psychologists and communications, noted that in a communication is often sent two languages ​​at once in a single message. The two languages ​​are: the language of love, and the limiting language.

      For example, when parents say, "Do not like to staying up late. And play at night. "Perhaps it will be responded to as the language of love (because I love you, then I'm worried about your health, because it is not like staying up late night and play because it is not good for health) or responded to a language limitation, (you should not be enjoy the fun so I forbid you to staying up late and play the evening, just found out flavor).

    Language that implied that often makes us misinterpretation. And recognized or not, there are many among the elderly who stutter in express her love for her children. They are not able to convey the feelings of the love they have. Because, that love often turns into confinement.

      Of course it would be wise for us to be able to understand that parents have a fundamental love that can not be rivaled by other people. There is no party that is able to love more fully than our parents. He's the one who is able to receive all the shortcomings that we have.

     Sometimes it is the parents make a mistake that makes us upset. However, parents are not different from the rocker, he's also human. Very a reasonable man makes a mistake, do something not as we want. Because, no one will be able to do as we want besides ourselves.

        Well, what are you waiting? Immediately make your parents best friends to death.

Your parents are .......

       One time, in the spirit of nature, when the holy spirit are in dialogue with God, his Lord said: "Life's what you feel now?" 
      The holy spirit answered, "Life is peaceful and reassuring. There is no fear and worries. Endless happiness. Pleasure that has no end. And coolness when in Thy great pleasure. "
       Then God said, "After this, I will send you to live on earth. There, you will experience a life so different from life here. "
        Doubt and anxiety enveloped suddenly the hearts.
        "I'm afraid of loneliness ....."
       His Lord said, "My angel will go with you. Will eliminate loneliness, and sadness will entertain. He will be your friend throughout his life and your life. "
       "But, I'm actually very weak. And, is not on earth a lot of bad people? Of course the bad guys that would do me harm. "
        His Lord said, "My angel will protect you from the bad guys. He will hold you with the most powerful protection. He will save you from all the dangers that threaten you. "
        "My God, when I was in the next world, I'm afraid that I will forget you."
       "My angel will teach you to keep reminding me. He will teach you about my religion. He will lead you to worship Me. He will make you feel closer to me even though I'm always close to you. "
       "But, what if I miss You?"
      "My angel will be healers rindumu to me. Because, Allah's approval is my pleasure, as his wrath is my anger. Stare at her face with all hormatmu then you will find me. "
      "All right, my Lord. I'm willing you down to earth by thy because you have guaranteed will send thy angels to me. However, may I know who is the angel-thy, so that later I knew him? "
       "My angel, the one day you're going to call him: MOTHER!"

     Well, best friends, the passage of the stories above let us take the lesson, it is a very short description, but hopefully you can figure out how to react to a parent under any circumstances, because aapapun bad attitude to our parents, they are still man who should we care about, and reminded yes.

Source : www.islamnet.com

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