Tuesday, May 28, 2013


      Throughout the history of mankind, many women who fight for existence to be compared with men. The world says a lot about women, be it about worship and about the "humiliation" of women. Well, now that will be discussed in these pages is how the world has commented: "Oh, Women! How adored you. "
      Turns on this earth has a lot of buildings dedicated to women. Will discuss four historical buildings full of love for the work of four women. Of the four buildings, three of which are the wonders of the world. Cool, is not it!
    And, four buildings that are: Taj Mahal, Temple of Queen Nefertari, Parthenon Temple, and Hanging Park.

1.  Taj Mahal - India

     Taj Mahal is in India. Taj Mahal was built in the time of Mughal Raj. Taj Mahal is also a building that symbolizes the love of a husband to his wife. Due to grieve when his favorite wife died while giving birth to 14th child in 1631, Shah Jehan, the Maharaja of the richest and most powerful in India, decided to build a mausoleum "as beautiful as beauty". During 19 years of marriage, he became the constant companion Maharaja; Mumtaz Mahal was his nickname, "The chosen one in the palace".

    To build the monument, expert craftsmen and 20,000 workers were mobilized from all over India, Asia, and even Europe, and worked for 22 years. Shah Jehan, a Muslim, his mauseloum basing on the concept of Islam. However materials, motifs, and skill craftsmen natives who ultimately provide the special quality of the building. The result is a brilliant blend of style Islamic and Hindu architectural jewel in the crown of India: Taj Mahal.

      Building on the banks of the Jumna near Agra was made ​​of white marble transported from as far as 400 kilometers Markrana. Taj Mahal shows femininity breath. Many of the decorations, such as flowers beautifully carved marble on the walls. Special from the point of view of the Taj Mahal is made ​​structures as symmetrical as possible from four points of view, to the building of mosques and ward meetings which are located around the Taj Mahal complex.

      However, there is the tragic story behind the construction of Taj Mahal is quite long. Taj Mahal artisans who have worked so beautifully all have experienced the sad fate as the decision requiring the King who cut the hands of the craftsman with the intention that the other can not make buildings more beautiful than the Taj Mahal.

      Shah Jehan grief overwhelmed decided that all efforts should be taken to make the tomb of the queen to be truly beautiful. It was he who ordered the construction of "the miracle of all miracles, which is a wonder of the world", the Taj Mahal.

2.   The Temple of Queen Nefertari

      The second building is the Temple of Queen Nefertari who are in Egypt. Nefertari is queen consort of one of the 19th dynasty Pharaoh Ramesses II . Ramses II ruled Egypt around the 12th century BC. According to estimates by Muslim historians, Ramses II was the Pharaoh who lived in the time of Prophet Moses. The Pharaoh and faithful married woman named Aisha. In the reign of Ramses II, he was happy to make a special monument dedicated to him and his wife. He built three pyramids and temples of Ramses II at Abydos, Sebua, and Abu Simbel. Specifically in Abu Simbel temple he built for Queen Nefertari alongside the temple.
      In 1964 held great-scale reconstruction of the gigantic temple complex at Abu Simbel. This is done for both the historic temple is not under water from the Nile which is dammed by the giant Aswan Dam. Both of these gigantic temple to be moved from the initial place that was going under water to higher ground about 60 meters above the previous spot. How to move quite dramatically, both giant temple was sliced ​​into pieces of beams that can be moved, and reassembled in place already planned about 60 meters above the previous spot.

3.  The Parthenon Temple 

      The third building is the Parthenon Temple. That is temple dedicated to Athena, daughter of Zeus beloved leader of the gods. Athens is one god and one of the regulators of the most important goddesses in Greek mythology.
      Also built the Parthenon sculptures in the Goddess Athena. This statue is made of a ton of gold, 13 meters high and is more expensive than the Parthenon building. Both of these offerings is building wonders of the world in the past.
     Why is it called a full offering of love? Because the Parthenon was made by the architect named Ictinus and Callicrates with special. Construction of the Parthenon made ​​symmetrically through optical illusions. Parthenon actually have a bit of a line bullets all over the temple, but the architect of the Parthenon really smart. Very fine adjustments to be made, so that creates the impression of symmetry.
      A pole with straight sides will look thinner in the center of the building of the Parthenon with sky background. Parthenon pole then was made a little bubble. While the pole in the corner made ​​a little more fat than others. It is designed so that the pole does not look thinner, because the sky background Parthenon is open. In addition, elevated in the middle of the temple's shrines that are not seen to decrease due to the weight. Sky background is one of the hallmarks Parthenon, because Parthenon built on the Acropolis hill. Acropolis comes from Greek Akros, which means the highest and polis means city. So the Acropolis is the highest town.
       Parthenon building is a white marble mined at Mount Pentelicus, marble is transported as far as 6 km to the city of Athens using ox-drawn carts. Parthenon pole made ​​from 10 to 12 drum-shaped marble pieces held together with metal. Carved marble pathways when the marble pieces are still on the ground, and it was resolved when the pole upright.
       Around the complex there is a place called Arrephorion Parthenon, which is where the Greek girl presented to weave robes for Athens each year. It shows how much he loves Athens by the Greek people.

4.  The Hanging Park - Babylonia

     The fourth building is a loving tribute to the Queen Amytis is park. The park is commonly known as Babylonia Hanging Park. Now renamed the area Iraq Babylonia.
      The park was built in the form of a terraced patio and garden arranged like mountain scenery makes the leafy banks of the River Euphrates. Parks depend also one of the wonders of the world in the past, although there is now no longer depend park.
    This park was built by King Nebuchadnezzar II in 600 BC specifically dedicated to the queen Queen Amytis that he loved so much.

Sources: www.islamonline.net

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