Monday, May 20, 2013

Be Young Entrepreneur !

Entrepreneurship is the process of identifying, developing, and bringing the vision to life. The vision may be an innovative idea, an opportunity, a better way to run things. The end result of this process is the creation of new businesses formed in conditions of risk or uncertainty.

Islam teaches Entrepreneur

    If we trace the teachings of Islam, it turns out we find that Islam advocated to be an entrepreneur, you know!

    For example, the majority of the prophets and apostles were the ones who went on to become entrepreneurs. Prophet Muhammad even be a successful trader. The companions of the prophet is also the majority of entrepreneurs. Example is Abdurrahman bin Auf, Muslim merchants was super cool. Ever heard the story, right?
    When moved to Medina, Abdurrahman brothers by a native Muslim Medina, Sa'ad bin Ar Rabi. Well, apparently this is a noble Sa'ad Medina is quite rich, and had two beautiful wife. Generous nature soon arise when Abdurrahman bin Auf see that when it lacks nothing, no possessions and wife. Then, Sa'ad also offer "Take half of my possessions. Besides that, I also had two wives. Choose one, though later I divorce and can you marry after the prescribed period."

    But, since this Abdurrahman a very independent person and have a strong entrepreneurial vision, the answer is not more as follows: "May Allah blessed you, your family, and your price. better show me the way to the market."

    When he got in the market, Abdurrahman start trading with a bag of wheat. He got a profit from it. Once he diligently carries on business so not long later, he has become one of the richest merchant in the Medina.

Not just any Independent

    To become a man of independence, you are not quite able to meet your own needs only. Independently means you have a spectrum of benefits for your environment. And, you will not have any benefit to the environment before you have the benefits for yourself. Believe it or not, in fact just about anyone to bear one of two predicates: a solution or a problem? "If someone is not a part of the solution, then he is part of the problem." An entrepreneur is a person whose whereabouts could be a solution.

   An entrepreneur, at least should have the following characteristics :
1. Abandonment; does not depend on others. Freedom is also about courage argued along the corridor are the truth. That is to say, he has a 'stance and not easily provoked or in other people's intimidation and pressure.
2. Positive attitude; brush that can build up and lead to a better level. Attitudes that generate productive behavior, avoid vanity.
3. A caring attitude towards the environment; making such a caring attitude spawned a critical attitude. Caring attitude to make people understand about the problems that are going on, so he tried to find a solution. Solution is always born of a caring attitude.
4. Attitude of confidence and risk-taking. Without this attitude, even if you know all the solutions it would just freeze in the head and died before it was born to be a real solution.
5. Creative and innovative attitude. Creative means to generate novelty-novelty. Generate fresh ideas. cause, the solution of every problem actually existed. Which makes it invisible solution is because we are less creative. creative attitude to make something simple into special.
6. Disciplines. Because, there is no direct idea ripe. Ideas through a phase of growth, interact with other ideas so it was modified. Well, the discipline is excellent climate that idea quickly grew and reached maturity.
7. Attitude willing to try, willing to work hard, and persevere.

    In addition to basic attitudes that have been mentioned above, being an entrepreneur also requires knowledge and skill. Knowledge is the insight gained by reading, observing and researching, while the skill is the ability to perform or practice the knowledge we have. Knowledge and skills which must possessed for become entrepreneurs is; ability to think creative and the innovative, ability to lead, reading and creating chances, the ability management, the ability adapt and socialize, as well as the kemampuaan communicate.

How to respond to opportunities?

   Has been mentioned earlier that an entrepreneur must be a skilled reading opportunities. An entrepreneur must have the standard attitude towards every opportunity. The rule is, plus the chance of success is courage (determination) plus luck. There are opportunities along the way! it's just that he often hid behind the trouble. Successful people see it as a challenge, while the loser sees it as an excuse to retreat.

   Sometimes, the difficulties as our eyes, is nothing but a chance. Because it, we are should not be give up moment face of adversity, because if we are were able past him then we already entered the door opportunities. Opportunities are provided at all times destiny factors that we are not entitled to it. Therefore, we sought the corridor determination and willpower. When we already have the determination and did endeavor, the reward has been set. even if our efforts fail, the reward remains recorded.

    Well, what are you waiting? look for opportunities around you! You will find so many doors and windows to become entrepreneurs. Do not be afraid of difficulties. It is called a challenge for you. Ok !

*** THE END ***

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