Tuesday, May 28, 2013


       Occasional or perhaps often we feel there is a lack in physical appearance. Whether it is inferior because of the weight, height and weight are not proportional, because acne will not go away that stick. Getting treated even more loyal to rest on our face. Skin did not feel as clean as princess palace. Feel not as good as Nicole Kidman's nose, the eyes are too narrow, and so on.

      Many reasons for us to grieve with the condition, desperately cover the shortage. For those who experience it, it's good to read this story:

      At the time of Caliph Al-Mahdi, there is a generous governor. The governors collect all the neighbors. Once assembled, the governor of the dinar sprinkled in front of them. Without command, picking the person who gathered the scattered dinar. However, there is a woman is not beautiful face and a black skinned silent. He was not interested in picking up the dinar. In fact, look at his clothes were ragged, obviously he's a shortage.
"Why are you silent? Why are you not interested in the coins? "
"Not. Those people are scrambling for supplies dinar in this mortal world. I do not need a piece of dinars. What I need is a provision in the life hereafter. "

      Being interested in the character of the woman, the governor decided to propose to her. The news soon spread. People can not believe the governor's actions. Many beautiful women in this country are not going to refuse to groom him. However, why he chose instead to poor women and do not pull it?

     Wedding celebration number one person country had been prepared. Officials and citizens were present in a festive mood. Guests are are spoiled with fresh drinks and expensive luxury. Glass made ​​of crystal, beautiful jeweled. When the invitation was enjoying the dish, they were surprised by the governor's order that guests slamming crystal glass being held. Attendees wonder. Fell silent atmosphere. However, the silence was shattered. Crystal glass bride slammed to the floor. Praaaaang! Shattered.
"What a strange woman! Already ugly, weird again! Perhaps he was crazy! "Ladies and mumbled response bride attitude. All eyes were on him.
"Why do you want to do my request?" Asked the governor, looking at his wife.

      "Well, my husband, I have a few reasons. Firstly, it's broke a glass with your wealth will be reduced. However, this is better than your dignity is damaged because orders are not obeyed. "

      Governor could not hide her admiration for the answer that was beside it.
"The second reason, I just obedient to God's commands. In the Qur'an, Allah commands that we are obedient to Allah, Rasul, and leader. You are the leader for me. That's why, I obey you. By solving these glasses, people will think I'm crazy. Let not why, instead of refusing the governor's orders, according to me is tantamount to disobey God's command. "

      Some people down. They feel too sneered by saying the woman. They now feel proud to have a governor who was married to a woman of faith. Though her ​​face is ugly and dark black skin, he really believes God does not see a way, but one's piety.

      Well, who is still thinking about her shortcomings. No need to linger! It'll only make more helpless thinking about things that are not important. Absolutely no quality! So, what are you waiting for?

Sources: www.islamonline.net

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