Tuesday, May 28, 2013


      Throughout the history of mankind, many women who fight for existence to be compared with men. The world says a lot about women, be it about worship and about the "humiliation" of women. Well, now that will be discussed in these pages is how the world has commented: "Oh, Women! How adored you. "
      Turns on this earth has a lot of buildings dedicated to women. Will discuss four historical buildings full of love for the work of four women. Of the four buildings, three of which are the wonders of the world. Cool, is not it!
    And, four buildings that are: Taj Mahal, Temple of Queen Nefertari, Parthenon Temple, and Hanging Park.

LOVE IN MONOCHROME "Black and White Love"

Age of love the rest of the world.
Even longer than that.
       Do not believe? Reality, none of the great phenomenon in this world that does not start with love. As the first man Adam was sent to earth begins with the story of his love for Hawa. Humans are born, grow, mature, and elderly, there love her coloring.
      So, what exactly love is? Love is something very abstract. In fact, until now, although it has many experts give the translation of what love, yet there is nothing that can properly give a definition of love.
       However, despite that, there is a common thread and a common perception of the various points that opinion that love is an instinctive impulse, a kind of full-given instinct in humans from birth.


Very human need to harden the asphalt road as the main transport infrastructure. The bacteria that live deep in the soil is also needed, but as a source of feed energy. Armed certain enzymes produced body, the bacteria can chew asphalt.


       Occasional or perhaps often we feel there is a lack in physical appearance. Whether it is inferior because of the weight, height and weight are not proportional, because acne will not go away that stick. Getting treated even more loyal to rest on our face. Skin did not feel as clean as princess palace. Feel not as good as Nicole Kidman's nose, the eyes are too narrow, and so on.

      Many reasons for us to grieve with the condition, desperately cover the shortage. For those who experience it, it's good to read this story:


SINGAPORE - To quickly assess someone's intelligence, look at the ratio of long ring finger and index finger. The latest research says, a child who has a longer ring fingers than index fingers tend to have higher math skills than verbal ability and language. If the comparison on the contrary, children generally have the verbal skills such as writing and reading are better than math.

According to Mark Brosnan of the University of Bath, the length of the fingers reflects the development of the parts of the brain. Scientists have long known that the growth of human fingers vary depending on levels of testosterone and estrogen in the womb of his mother when the baby was conceived.